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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Well, I`m finally there.the flight was 12  hours! Luckily,there was an in-flight gaming system on the airplane. It had some pretty cool games like pacman and asteroids. I  am so tired! It must be jet lag.
I wrote two haikus. One about New Zealand and one about the plane ride.  Here they are:

very sunny. yes!
lots of awesome climbing trees.
New Zealand is cool.

the tvs are bright.
I still cannot fall asleep.
Boeing triple 7.

I will send pictures soon.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Tomorrow is my last day of school. Today at school we had a mini spelling bee. We had a huge load of homework! I cannot wait for my trip! :) Well, I finished all my homework so I feel a little better.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hi. my name is Sean. I`m 8 and in third grade. Yes, I am going to New Zealand and we are still packing. I cannot wait! I only have 2 days of school left! By the way, I go to school at Hallinan and I live in Lake Oswego. I leave on Jan. 30th.

Here are some facts I have learned about New Zealand:

  • There are 4,000,000 people and 60,000,000 sheep.
  •  It consists of two islands. 
  • The capital is Wellington.
  • Their summer is our winter.
  • Their national sport is Rugby.

That's all for now! Gotta go finish packing!